Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fellow Gardeners winning the war against the drought!

Aye,  its good t' hear stories like this!  Keep up the fight mees fellow garden pirates! Reads and learns from this great gardener.....

Captain Sea Grape out.....Arrh!

Diligent Ind. gardeners win war against drought | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Monday, July 30, 2012

Garden like a Pirate

Afternoon me hardies!  So ye like to garden like a pirate a.  Meself and ol Avocado will gives ya a few of me tips.

First ye need to build yer self a ship!  Scratch that ideres. First ye needs to have some type of containers. Such as as a's raised garden bed or just and thrown over board pot.  Ayes even use an old treasure chest. Arrh....

Next if yous new to gardening lets start of simple.  A goods plants to raise is tomato plant!  Fun to grows and produces a good yield.  If you likes BLT'S likes me and t' crew you wills feel like plundering an entires garden.

Aye good one Avocado....he's been yelling in mes ear. Beans is a good ones. Very simple all yours do is put the seed in t' ground and off to t' races. Next you'll be wonderings when should we climb it and go sees the giant!

These are just a couples of fun garden plants to gets your appetite for gardening started.  If yous need help with ye garden ye can aways go to your local plant nursery or go to a greats chat on Twitter and type in the hashtag #gardenchat  Greats gardeners that would loves to help yous get started.

Captain Sea Grape out... Arrh!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

You too can bee a hero!

While on liberty this morning myself and Avocado Adams ran across a struggling bee on the sidewalk.  Right away we knew he had to help rescue this tired bee!  I yelled everyone stand back!!!  Garden Pirates to the rescue!!!

As the Captain... I had Avocado run back to the ship Cornucopia and get sugar, water, a plate, spoon and a cup. We mixed a table spoon of pure sugar with just a couple ounces of water in the cup. Next we poured the sugar water into a plate just enough to have a small puddle.  We rinsed our spoon and slowly got it under the bee and placed the fellow shipment on the plate.

We watched the little guy slurp up the yummy mixture and went to the edge of the plate.  It was about 15mins and the little guy had enough strength to fly back to the hive.

You to can bee a hero!  Next time while on liberty or your garden and you see a little shipmate out of gas you can feed em a little sugar water or even better a drop of honey if you have it!  And you too will do your part as a fellow garden pirate!

Just a friendlies reminder.... bees very careful while doing this because bees can still sting yous! Arrh...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Getting your kid to wanna garden.

Does yerr kid like to garden?  Wanna have them start with you?  If you keep to the code you can start having fun today!  All kids love dirt.  Also the're may be sum buried treasure in ye garden wink wink! Dirt, shovel and a little burried garden pirates booty and they will be hooked just like a fish.  Add some sea water and they flopping around ye deck like a swine. Messy pirate garden fun! That's how we do it on the Cornucopia! Arrh...

Coxswain Avocado Adams

Please welcome out crew leader Avocodo Adams! He is second in command of the good ship Cornucopia and has set a coarse for fun and excitement. You can visit him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/GardenPirate

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Anchors away!

The ship Cornucopia has set sail! Come and join our adventure as we set coarse for fun, facts and adventure!  You can also follow the adventure at www.twitter.com/TheGardenPirate